Thursday, January 05, 2012

Fidel Castro reappears with a text on the new "dangers" to the world.

Cuban leader Fidel Castro reappeared today after nearly two months of silence with a new "reflection" published in the press of the island, which criticizes the dangers of "nuclear war" and climate change for the world.

Castro, 85, had not written a reflection from the 14th of November. His silence again encouraged this week rumors of death in the social network Twitter, as last August.

The historic Cuban leader criticized in the text entitled "The march toward the abyss" the advancement of next-generation weapons and the dangers of climate change, exacerbated by the "waste of fossil fuels."

In the article, written especially for the official site Cubadebate and Venezuelan Telesur chain, Castro also devoted long lines at gas from shale, a fluid whose exploitation is promoting "the progress of the world into the abyss."

You can read the original Castro article here

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