Saturday, April 28, 2012

Stalin Back in school notebooks

The publication of school notebooks with the portrait of Joseph Stalin has provoked outrage from politicians and Russian historians, which require the Government to remove them from the bookshops, where they have achieved record sales.

"Stalin in school notebooks? Absurd, clumsy and inept. The one who has the idea must buy it for his children," said the veteran singer and actor Mikhail Boyarski, who was born in 1949, when dictator still going with iron hand the Soviet Union.

The guides, which reached the shelves last month, belong to a series dedicated to famous people of the history of Russia and Catherine the Great, Sergey Rachmaninov the composer or the father of the Soviet space program, Sergei Korolyov.

"How can we exclude Stalin from a list of historical figures? Like it or not, had a significant role in the twentieth century," said Artiom Bilan, artistic director of the editorial "Alt" published notebooks.

However, what has most outraged detractors is that the cover is submitted to communist tyrant in a gilt frame as the "Generalissimo" with a military jacket full of badges as Hero of the USSR and the Order of Lenin .

"When children see that picture with him so handsome, with his mustache, medals, all surrounded by gold, as a hero. This is a clear example of amorality," denounced the journalist and historian Nikolai Svanidze.

Indeed, the 48-page book dedicated to Iosif Dzhugashvili (Stalin) on the back cover includes a short biography and several photos from his period of clandestine revolutionary leader and communist.

"The college kids and even Russians do not know who Stalin. Therefore, we not only try to sell as many copies, but also to contribute to the knowledge of history," argued Bilan.

The text recognizes that Stalin "is one of the most controversial figures in Russian history and world": "For some it is almost the same demon and others is the greatest leader of all time."

"In total, during Stalin's years in office were shot (...) More than 640,000 people, 2.4 million were sent to the Gulag and deported 760,000" reads.

The pictures also expose both sides of the character: a photo of Stalin with his daughter, pictures of the hardships endured by the people during Stalinist industrialization and notorious labor camps.

"It's not an apology or a eulogy. Stalin's methods were insane, but you can not compare to Hitler. We expected some criticism, but not a big controversy. The books are not for primary but for secondary" said Bilan .

Russian Education Minister Andrei Fursenko, described the books as a "negative phenomenon" but added that it lacks authority to order the requisition of the libraries.

"What I can do? Who can do anything? The books are not even a manual. If not contradict the law, anyone can post whatever he wants. The law prohibits pornography and Nazi symbols," he said.

However, some politicians and writers believe that the ministry itself may adopt a rule that prevents the publication in a positive context and heroic portrait of a historical figure who is considered an "executioner" of millions of innocents.

Among the most criticized notebooks are several members of the Public Chamber, a consultative body of the Kremlin, and human rights organizations such as Memorial, which advocates the rehabilitation of Soviet reprisals.

"This is, of course, Stalinist propaganda. Stalin played a terrible in our history. A student makes a math problem or study geography, as has before Stalin. This has an enormous influence on your subconscious," said Arseniy Roguinski, Memorial historian.

In this regard, Bilan said that the publisher has no intention to suspend the marketing of books, the more that the controversy has increased sales.

"Neither the Public Chamber and Memorial are legislative bodies to require us to withdraw our product from the market. If decided by the Duma (Lower House), would be the end of freedom of expression in Russia," he said.

The sale of notebooks has skyrocketed since the outbreak of the dispute, so the Moscow libraries have been forced to increase the number of orders.

"When I saw the television report was angry, but seeing the sales pace, crossed my anger," said one of the employees of the bookstore chain "Moskovskiy Knigui Sun" where the famous book has become " sales leader "thanks to interest from the adults, not children.

Monday, April 23, 2012


The Board of the Latin American Parliament backed the government's decision to "nationalize the company Repsol-YPF as an act of sovereign power."

Through a resolution, the agency decided to "support" the Argentine government's decision to "nationalize the company Repsol-YPF as an act of sovereignty energy for the welfare of the Argentine people, contributing to self-sufficiency, satisfaction of domestic demand and decline in oil prices. "

Also rejected "categorically the position taken by the Spanish government and the European Union to threaten the Argentine government with reprisals in the commercial field, instead of taking the path of dialogue and negotiation as search points of agreement."

The resolution was signed on April 20 in Panama, as part of a meeting attended by the national representative of the Front for Victory in Chubut, Nancy Gonzalez, in his capacity as vice president of the Latin American Parliament, according to the block face for Victory in a news release.

Thus, the Latin American Parliament added "to the position of the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean largely have supported this decision, designed to benefit not only the growth and development of the Argentine people, but also to promote energy integration in the region. "

The resolution was supported by all members of the Board of the Latin American Parliament, with the exception of Mexico and St. Maarten, who abstained.

The Latin American Parliament, established in 1964, is a regional, permanent and unicameral, consisting of the national parliaments of Latin America, elected democratically by popular vote, whose countries signed the Treaty of Institutionalization for the November 16, 1987, in Lima, Peru.


Styret i det latinamerikanske parlamentet støttet regjeringens beslutning om å "nasjonalisere selskapet Repsol YPF-som en handling av suveren makt."

Gjennom vedtak, besluttet Byrået å "støtte" den argentinske regjeringens beslutning om å "nasjonalisere selskapet Repsol YPF-som en handling av suverenitet energi for velferd de argentinske folket, bidra til selvforsyning, tilfredsstillelse av innenlandsk etterspørsel og nedgang i oljeprisen. "

Også avvist "kategorisk posisjon tatt av den spanske regjeringen og EU for å true den argentinske regjeringen med represalier i den kommersielle feltet, i stedet for å ta banen til dialog og forhandlinger som søk punkter i avtalen."

Vedtaket ble signert den 20. april i Panama, som del av et møte med den nasjonale representanten for Front for Victory i Chubut, Nancy Gonzalez, i sin kapasitet som visepresident i det latinamerikanske parlamentet, ifølge blokken ansiktet for Victory i en pressemelding.

Dermed legges det latinamerikanske parlamentet "til plasseringen av regjeringene i Latin-Amerika og Karibia stor grad har støttet denne avgjørelsen, designet for å dra nytte ikke bare vekst og utvikling av de argentinske folket, men også å fremme energi integrering i regionen. "

Vedtaket ble støttet av alle medlemmer av styret i det latinamerikanske parlamentet, med unntak av Mexico og St. Maarten, som avsto.

Den latinamerikanske parlamentet, etablert i 1964, er et regionalt, permanent og unicameral, bestående av de nasjonale parlamentene i Latin-Amerika, valgt demokratisk ved folkeavstemning, hvis land undertegnet traktaten institusjonalisering for den 16 november, 1987, i Lima, Peru.


O Conselho de Administração do Parlamento Latino-americano apoiou a decisão do governo de "nacionalizar a empresa Repsol-YPF como um ato de poder soberano."

Através de uma resolução, a agência decidiu "apoiar" a decisão do governo argentino de "satisfação da empresa Repsol-YPF como um ato de soberania energética para o bem-estar do povo argentino, contribuindo para a auto-suficiência, nacionalizar da procura interna e declínio dos preços do petróleo. "

Também rejeitou "categoricamente a posição tomada pelo governo espanhol e da União Europeia a ameaçar o governo argentino com represálias no campo comercial, em vez de tomar o caminho do diálogo e da negociação como pontos de busca de acordo."

A resolução foi assinada em 20 de abril, no Panamá, como parte de uma reunião com a presença do representante nacional da Frente para a Vitória no Chubut, Nancy Gonzalez, na sua qualidade de vice-presidente do Parlamento Latino-Americano, de acordo com a face do bloco para a vitória em um comunicado à imprensa.

Assim, o Parlamento Latino-americano acrescentou que "a posição dos governos da América Latina e no Caribe em grande parte têm apoiado esta decisão, visa beneficiar não somente o crescimento e desenvolvimento do povo argentino, mas também para promover integração energética na região. "

A resolução foi apoiada por todos os membros do Conselho de Administração do Parlamento Latino-Americano, com exceção do México e St. Maarten, que se absteve.

O Parlamento Latino-Americano, criado em 1964, é uma regional, permanente e unicameral, composto pelos parlamentos nacionais da América Latina, eleitos democraticamente pelo voto popular, cujos países assinaram o Tratado de Institucionalização para o 16 de novembro de 1987, em Lima, Peru.

A Frog Sitting on a Bench Like a Human

US Justice by Futurama

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Malvinas: Argentina requires that Cameron does not take political mileage

The Argentine government "condemned" this Tuesday the statements of Prime Minister David Cameron, who assured the thirtieth anniversary of the Falklands War that Argentina made "a profound mistake" and asked him not to use the conflict "to an ephemeral domestic political gain. "

The chancellor considered HéctorTimerman Cameron claims the conflict "to correct a serious error" and "persistent glorification of colonialism."

"A profound mistake to paraphrase Cameron said, was to expel the population of Argentina in the Falkland Islands in 1833, violating rights Prime Minister claims to defend, and implement, under forced settlement schemes, a British population. Another 'profound mistake' is to continue ignoring the territorial integrity of a sovereign country. "

For the chancellor, "" a profound mistake "is just persist with colonialism, among other things, is nothing less than building the welfare of a people on the basis of military and cultural subjugation and plunder of natural resources of other peoples . That's the story from the UK and millions of people worldwide can attest, even today, that.

"We have to correct that 'profound mistake' and end with the last colonial enclaves. Against the clamor of the peoples of the world to leave behind this scourge is opposed only colonial military force and the deployment of nuclear weapons in the UK, "he said Timerman.

For Argentina, the UK falls "in a profound mistake" with his "persistent behavior ignoring the many United Nations resolutions, and dangerously weakening the body and its mandate to resolve, peacefully, conflicts between nations."

Finally, the Gobiermno called Cameron "to reflect on these principles and abandon any temptation to use this just cause Argentina to an ephemeral domestic political gain."

On Monday, Cameron said he was proud "of the role of the United Kingdom to correct a serious error" committed by Argentina, to start the war in 1982.El prime minister also said that it was an "act of aggression" against the people Falkland Islands. said even that they tried to "steal freedom

Malvinas: Argentina kräver att Cameron inte ta politiskt körsträcka

Den argentinska regeringen "fördömde" denna tisdag uttalanden av premiärminister David Cameron, som försäkrade den trettionde årsdagen av Falklandskriget att Argentina gjort "ett stort misstag" och bad honom att inte använda konflikten "till en kortlivad inrikespolitisk vinning. "

Kansler ansåg HéctorTimerman Cameron hävdar konflikten "för att rätta till ett allvarligt fel" och "ihållande glorifiering av kolonialism."

"En djup misstag att parafrasera Cameron sade, var att driva populationen i Argentina på Falklandsöarna 1833, kränka rättigheter premiärminister påstår sig försvara och genomföra under påtvingade avveckling system, en brittisk befolkning. En annan "djupa misstag" är att fortsätta ignorera territoriella integritet ett suveränt land. "

För kanslern "," ett djupt misstag "är kvar bara med kolonialism, bland annat är inget mindre än att bygga välfärd av ett folk på grund av militära och kulturella underkuvande och plundring av naturresurser i andra folk . Det är historien från Storbritannien och miljontals människor över hela världen kan intyga, även i dag, det.

"Vi måste korrigera denna" djupa misstag "och slutar med de sista koloniala enklaver. Mot rop av världens folk att lämna bakom detta gissel är emot bara koloniala militär styrka och spridning av kärnvapen i Storbritannien ", sade han Timerman.

För Argentina, Storbritannien faller "i en djup misstag" med sitt "ihållande beteende ignorerar de många FN resolutioner, och farligt försvaga kroppen och dess mandat att lösa fredligt, konflikter mellan nationer."

Slutligen, som kallas Gobiermno Cameron "att reflektera över dessa principer och överge alla frestelsen att använda detta bara leda Argentina till ett kortlivad inrikespolitiskt vinning."

På måndagen sade Cameron att han var stolt "roll i Förenade kungariket för att korrigera ett allvarligt fel" som begåtts av Argentina, för att starta kriget i 1982.El premiärministern sade också att det var ett "angrepp" mot folket Falklandsöarna. sa till och med att de försökte "stjäla frihet."










Monday, April 02, 2012

YPF shares fall more than 15%

YPF shares slid 15.49% in the New York Stock Exchange, the first trading day after the disclosure of Chubut intention to terminate the company all exploration areas in that province and under a day when there was speculation about a presidential announcement of the purchase of securities of the company.

The shares fell 15.49%, so that the roles of YPF was trading at 24.01 dollars, when they had opened the trading day at $ 27.44.

On Saturday, the governor of Chubut, Martin Buzzi, announced it had decided to remove all the oil concession areas, after the three had already taken in the middle of the official climbing against the company.

Among the areas that would operate YPF is the Behr Springs, which accounts for 10% of the country's total production and, according to the company last year received an investment of over 9% of that received in 2010 .

The drop in oil shares were also in the beginning of a week that could enter the Congress a bill to declare public utility and oil exploration that would lead to the taking by the State of more than 30% of the shares of the company, which will enable Argentina to become the first minority in the directory of YPF.

Thus, the more you collapse the shares, less the value of the company and less money will need to acquire desembozarse. The reduction also benefits the speculators who do business with the titles.

For time is the version that the government would seek to buy the shares belonging to the family Ezkenazi and part of belonging to Repsol in order to declare public interest to 35 percent of the shares of the company.

Also, the national executive should negotiate with the banks that gave credit to Eskenazi, as its shares are pledged, and guaranteed loans.

The study comes amid the onslaught of various oil provinces on the company that took away several exploration areas by lack of investment





















Cyfranddaliadau CPI syrthio mwy na 15%

Cyfranddaliadau CPI llithrodd 15.49% yn y New York Stock Exchange, y diwrnod masnachu cyntaf ar ôl y datgeliad o fwriad i derfynu Chubut y cwmni pob maes archwilio yn y dalaith ac o dan y dydd pan oedd dyfalu am gyhoeddiad arlywyddol o brynu o warannoedd y cwmni.

Mae'r cyfrannau syrthiodd 15.49%, fel bod rolau'r CPI yn masnachu yn 24.01 ddoleri, pan fyddant wedi agor y diwrnod masnachu yn $ 27.44.

Ar ddydd Sadwrn, y llywodraethwr Chubut, Martin Buzzi, cyhoeddodd ei fod wedi penderfynu i gael gwared ar yr holl feysydd olew consesiwn, ar ôl y tri wedi cymryd eisoes yng nghanol y dringo swyddogol yn erbyn y cwmni.

Ymhlith y meysydd a fyddai'n gweithredu CPI yw'r Springs Behr, sy'n cyfrif am 10% o gynhyrchu y wlad cyfanswm ac, yn ôl y cwmni y llynedd derbyniodd buddsoddiad o dros 9% o'r hyn a dderbyniwyd yn 2010 .

Mae'r gostyngiad mewn cyfranddaliadau olew hefyd yn dechrau yr wythnos a allai fynd i mewn i'r Gyngres bil cyfleustodau i ddatgan cyhoeddus a chwilio am olew a fyddai'n arwain at gymryd gan y Wladwriaeth o fwy na 30% o y cyfrannau y cwmni, a fydd yn galluogi Ariannin i ddod yn y lleiafrif cyntaf yn y cyfeirlyfr o CPI.

Felly, po fwyaf y byddwch yn cwympo y cyfranddaliadau, llai bydd gwerth y cwmni a llai o arian mae angen i gaffael desembozarse. Mae'r gostyngiad hefyd o fantais i'r hapfasnachwyr sy'n gwneud busnes gyda'r teitlau.

Am amser yw'r fersiwn y byddai'r llywodraeth yn ceisio prynu cyfranddaliadau yn perthyn i deulu a Ezkenazi rhan o berthyn i Repsol er mwyn datgan budd y cyhoedd i 35 y cant o cyfrannau'r cwmni.

Hefyd, dylai'r weithrediaeth cenedlaethol gyd-drafod gyda'r banciau a roddodd credyd i Eskenazi, fel ei gyfrannau yn addo, a benthyciadau gwarantedig.

Mae'r astudiaeth hon yng nghanol y ymosodiad taleithiau olew amrywiol ar y cwmni a gymerodd i ffwrdd maes archwilio sawl gan ddiffyg buddsoddiad.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

US War in its History

The Governor of Salta (Argentina) called for greater oil production

He also celebrated his partnership with mining pollutants companies.

Amid the debate on the future of YPF, Salta Governor Juan Manuel Urtubey, used his opening address to the Legislature to ratify the path initiated by the oil provinces and said it expects an "increase of 15 percent" in hydrocarbon production, but did not notice if another concession area will revert, as anticipated by the government of Chubut. The governor again avoided ruling on the controversy unleashed its refusal to apply the Supreme Court ruling on abortions not punishable

During his speech, Urtubey said that "despite tough times for the world and our country, we will increase investment in health, safety and education, an area that has always been a priority in management."

In this regard, said "it is through education and the work we have to ensure that the future does not slip through our hands. More than 30 000 jobs created in the agglomerate worked in the city of Salta are enough. "

So, in the midst of discussion by the mining model, the provincial president held "good news for Skip" noting that "encourage the development of economic activity and employment generation through promotion tools and decrease the tax burden" , referring to the mining concessions "grew by 106.7 per cent" and that the sector employs "more than 11 thousand workers."

Also, before lawmakers Salta Governor called "more dialogue and more open to different opinions," and that "this openness must begin my government: we who must take the first step and example."

"From my first inauguration as governor, won five consecutive elections. God has blessed me with the support of my people. We have done a lot over the years and more is needed for people in need and hopefully we hear," held on Salta president.

In this context, the president downplayed any political aspirations and said: "I enclose, as most of Salta, the project that started Nestor and now leads President Cristina Kirchner." He noted that "this year will be very important work of training for full implementation of electronic single ballot system in elections next year."

In addition, he anticipated the need to work with the legislature in the draft law establishing anti-corruption office, regulating the administration of government advertising and amending the Tax Code, among others.

"I need everyone's help you, with your ideas, criticisms and differences but inexcusable sustain the common good. I rebelled hunger and backwardness," he said, and concluded: "The achievements that need Salta, we reach them again together. "

Sysselmannen på Salta (Argentina) etterlyste større oljeproduksjon til

Også feiret sitt samarbeid med gruvedrift miljøgifter.

Midt i debatten om fremtiden til YPF, Salta guvernør Juan Manuel Urtubey, brukte sin åpningstale til den lovgivende forsamling til å ratifisere banen initiert av oljeprovinser og sa det forventer en "økning på 15 prosent" i hydrokarbon produksjon, men la ikke merke til hvis en annen konsesjonen vil komme tilbake, som forventet av regjeringen i Chubut. Guvernøren igjen unngått avgjørelse på striden løs de nektet å søke Høyesterett kjennelse om svangerskapsavbrudd ikke straffbart

Under sin tale sa Urtubey at "til tross for tøffe tider for verden og vårt land, vil vi øke investeringene i helse, miljø og utdanning, et område som alltid har vært en prioritet i ledelsen."

I denne forbindelse, sa "det er gjennom utdanning og arbeid vi må sørge for at fremtiden ikke glir gjennom hendene våre. Mer enn 30 000 arbeidsplasser skapes i klumpe jobbet i byen Salta er nok. "

Så, midt i diskusjonen av gruvedriften modell, den provinsielle presidenten holdt "gode nyheter for Skip" bemerker at "stimulere til utvikling av økonomisk aktivitet og sysselsetting generasjon gjennom promotering verktøy og redusere skattebyrden" , med henvisning til gruvedrift innrømmelser "vokste med 106,7 prosent», og at sektoren sysselsetter "mer enn 11 tusen arbeidere."

Også før lovgivere Salta sentralbanksjef heter "mer dialog og mer åpne for ulike meninger," og at "denne åpenheten må begynne min regjering: vi som må ta det første skrittet og eksempel."

"Fra min første innsettelse som guvernør, vant fem sammenhengende valget. Gud har velsignet meg med støtte for mitt folk. Vi har gjort mye gjennom årene og flere er nødvendig for mennesker i nød og forhåpentligvis vi hører," avholdt Salta president.

I denne sammenheng, bagatellisert presidenten noen politiske ambisjoner og sa: ". Jeg legger ved, som de fleste av Salta, prosjektet som startet Nestor og nå leder president Cristina Kirchner" Han bemerket at "dette året vil være svært viktig arbeid for opplæring for full implementering av elektronisk enkelt stemmeseddel systemet i valget neste år."

I tillegg forventet han behovet for å arbeide med den lovgivende forsamling i utkast til lov om opprettelse av anti-korrupsjon kontor, som regulerer forvaltningen av regjeringen reklame og endring av Tax Code, blant andre.

». Jeg trenger alles hjelp deg med dine ideer, kritikk og forskjeller, men utilgivelig opprettholde det felles gode jeg gjorde opprør sult og tilbakeliggenhet," sa han, og konkluderte: "Resultatene som trenger Salta, vi nå dem igjen sammen. "

Губернатар правінцыі сальта (Аргенціна) заклікаў да пашырэння здабычы нафты

Акрамя таго, адзначыў сваё партнёрства з здабычай забруджвальных рэчываў.

На фоне дыскусій пра будучыню YPF, сальта губернатар Хуан Мануэль Urtubey, якія выкарыстоўваюцца сваім выступе на адкрыцці заканадаўчага ратыфікаваць шлях ініцыяваны нафтавай правінцыі і заявіў, што разлічвае "на 15 адсоткаў" у здабычы вуглевадародаў, але не заўважыў, калі іншы канцэсійных тэрыторыі вернецца, як гэта прадугледжана ў ўрадзе Чубут. Губернатар яшчэ раз пазбягаў кіруючы на ​​спрэчку развязаў сваю адмову ўжыць рашэнне Вярхоўнага суда аб абортах ня караецца

Падчас свайго выступу Urtubey сказаў, што «нягледзячы на ​​цяжкія часы для свету і нашай краіны, мы будзем павялічваць інвестыцыі ў ахову здароўя, бяспека і адукацыю, вобласць, якая заўсёды была прыярытэтнай у кіраванні".

У сувязі з гэтым сказаў, што "менавіта праз адукацыю і працу, якую мы павінны гарантаваць, што будучыня не праслізне праз нашы рукі. Больш за 30 000 працоўных месцаў, створаных у агламераты працаваў у горадзе сальта якія дастаткова ".

Так, у разгар абмеркавання мадэлі інтэлектуальнага аналізу дадзеных, правінцыйны прэзідэнт правёў "добрыя навіны для Прапусціць", адзначыўшы, што "садзейнічаць развіццю эканамічнай актыўнасці і стварэнню рабочых месцаў шляхам развіцця інструментаў і зніжэнне падатковага цяжару" , спасылаючыся на горнай канцэсіі »вырас на 106,7 працэнта", і што ў гэтым сектары занята "больш за 11 тысяч работнікаў".

Акрамя таго, перад заканадаўцамі сальта губернатара пад назвай "больш дыялогу і больш адкрытыя для розных меркаванняў," і што «гэтая адкрытасць павінна пачаць свой урад: мы, хто павінен зрабіць першы крок і прыклад".

"З першага ўступлення на пасаду губернатара, выйграў 5 паслядоўных выбараў. Бог блаславіў мяне пры падтрымцы свайго народа. Мы шмат зрабілі за гэтыя гады і больш неабходная для людзей, якія маюць патрэбу і, спадзяюся, мы чуем", якая адбылася ў сальта прэзідэнта.

У сувязі з гэтым прэзідэнт заклікаў не перабольшваць любыя палітычныя памкненні і сказаў: ". Я прыкладаю, як і большасць сальта, праект, які пачаў Нестар і цяпер вядзе прэзідэнт Крысціна Кіршнер" Ён адзначыў, што "ў гэтым годзе будзе вельмі важная праца навучанне для поўнага ажыццяўлення адзінай сістэмы электроннага галасавання на выбарах у наступным годзе".

Акрамя таго, ён папярэдзіў аб неабходнасці працаваць з заканадаўствам, у праект закона аб стварэнні антыкарупцыйнага бюро, якія рэгламентуюць адміністрацыйнае кіраванне рэкламы і ўнясенне змяненняў у Падатковы кодэкс, у прыватнасці.

». Мне патрэбна кожнаму дапамагчы вам, з вашымі ідэямі, крытыкі і адрозненні, але недаравальна падтрымання агульнага дабра я паўстаў голаду і адсталасці", сказаў ён, і прыйшлі да высновы: "Дасягненні, якія павінны сальта, мы звязацца з імі зноў разам "



YPF、サルタ州知事フアン·マヌエル·Urtubeyの将来に関する議論の中で、オイルの省によって開始されたパスを批准するよう議会に彼の開会の挨拶を使用し、それが "15%の増加"を見込んでいると語った炭化水素の生産が、別の譲歩領域が戻された場合チュブト政府の予想通り、気付きませんでした。知事は、再び論争に判決を避けた人工妊娠中絶の最高裁判決を適用するには、その拒否、罰しないパワーを解き放つ

演説中に、Urtubeyは "世界と私たちの国の厳しい時代にもかかわらず、我々は健康、安全、教育、常に管理に優先されている地域への投資を増加させる"と述べた。

この点で、それは教育と私たちは未来は我々の手をすり抜けるていないことを確認しなければならない仕事を通じてです "と言いました。塊で作成された30以上の000ジョブはサルタの街で働いてい十分。 "

したがって、マイニングモデルによって議論の真っ只中に、 "スキップのために良いニュース"が開催され地方の社長に "販促ツールを通じて経済活動と雇用創出の開発を奨励し、税負担を減少させる"と指摘、鉱区を参照し、部門が採用して、 "106.7パーセント増加しました" "以上11000労働者を。"

また、国会議員の前にサルタ州知事は、 "より多くの対話と異なる意見に対してよりオープン"と呼ばれている "この開放性は、私の政府を開始する必要があります:私たちは、最初のステップと例を取る必要があります。"


このコンテキストでは、大統領はいかなる政治的願望を軽視して言った: "私は、サルタのほとんどは、ネストルを開始し、現在社長クリスティーナ·キルチネルをリードしてプロジェクトを囲む"彼は "今年は選挙の電子投票システムは、単一の来年の完全な実施のための訓練の非常に重要な作業になるだろう"と指摘し


"私はみんなのアイデア、批判との違いはなく共通の利益を維持する許しがたい、あなたを助け、私は飢えと後進性の反抗を必要とし、"と彼は言った、と結論: "サルタを必要とする成果を、我々一緒に再度到達します。 "

Obama said NO to Mars

We ones who likes space exploration and aerospacial science will be dissapointed. Check this news published in W. Times

In its budget submitted to Congress Feb. 13, theObama administration zeroed out funding forNASA’s future Mars exploration missions. TheMars Science Lab Curiosity is en route to the red planet, and the nearly completed small Maven orbiter, scheduled for launch in 2013, will be sent, but that’s it. No funding has been provided for theMars probes planned as joint missions with the Europeans for 2016 and 2018, and nothing after that is funded, either. This poses a crisis for the American space program.
NASA’s Mars exploration effort has been brilliantly successful because, since 1994, it has been approached as a campaign, with probes launched every biennial opportunity, alternating between orbiters and landers. As a result, combined operations have been possible, with orbiters providing communication links and reconnaissance guidance for surface rovers, which, in turn, could conduct ground-truth investigations of orbital observations. Thus, the great treks of the rovers Spirit and Opportunity, launched in 2003, were supported from above by MarsGlobalSurveyor (MGS, launched in 1996), MarsOdyssey (launched in 2001) andMarsReconnaissanceOrbiter (launched in 2005). But after serving 10 years on orbit, MGS is lost, and if we wait until the 2020s to resumeMars exploration, the rest of the orbiters will be gone as well. Moreover, so will be the experienced teams that created them. Effectively, the whole program will be wrecked, and we will have to start again from scratch.
Furthermore, if the administration’s cuts are allowed to prevail, we not only will destroy America’s Mars exploration program but will derail that of our European allies as well. The 2016 and 2018 missions have been planned as a NASA/European Space Agency joint project, with the Europeans contributing more than $1 billion to the effort. If America betrays its commitment, the European supporters of Mars explorationwill be left high and dry, and both the missions and the partnership will be lost.
When, on Oct. 26, I revealed the administration’s plans for this wrecking operation in the pages of this newspaper, I was widely attacked by Obama supporters. Cutting short NASA’s most successful program would be insane, they said, and so claims that such a move was in the works could not possibly be true.
Alas, they were only half right. The cuts are nuts, but that has not deterred the administration - quite the contrary. When NASAAdministrator Charles F. Bolden Jr. was quizzed recently by Rep. Adam B. Schiff, California Democrat, on the rationale for the move, Mr. Boldenreplied that the cuts were done becausetheMarsprogramwashighlysuccessful. (I am not making this up.)
The scientific community is understandably outraged. Ed Weiler, theNASA associate administrator for science, a 33-year agency veteran, resigned his post in disgust. To take his place, Mr. Bolden appointedJohn Grunsfeld. As NASA chief scientist under former AdministratorSean O'KeefeMr. Grunsfeld gained notoriety by acting as public and congressional advocate for Mr. O'Keefe’s attempt to abandon the Hubble Space Telescope, even while acknowledging to others in the technical community that his testimony had no rational foundation. Continuing in this tradition, Mr. Grunsfeld told the members of the science committee of the NASA Advisory Council (NAC) this month that because they are “temporary government employees while sitting on NAC” they “are not allowed” to criticize the Mars mission cuts (i.e., “Shut up”).
The Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG), a broader scientific advisory panel, could not be silenced so easily. It issued a statement saying that its members are “appalled.” To placate them, Mr. Grunsfeld put forth the following consolation: In 2016, instead of sending a real exploratory probe to the red planet, NASA will have a group of astronauts on the International Space Station pretend that they are flying to Mars. (I am not making this up, either.) Does anyone remember the song “Paper Moon?” “It wouldn’t be make-believe, if you believed in me.” Apparently this is nowNASA’s theme.
So what is going on? Cost is not the issue. With the Europeans putting up their share, a matching $1 billion contribution from NASA spread over the next six years would be sufficient to fund both the 2016 and 2018 missions at a level of $1 billion each. This would require less than 1 percent ofNASA’s current budget. There is no excuse for not doing this.
Indeed, what is truly remarkable about the Obama administration’s NASA management is that it has managed to wreck both the human-spaceflight program and the robotic planetary exploration effort without saving any money. In 2008, NASA’s spending was $17.4 billion; this year’s budget is $17.7 billion. Yet in 2008, NASA was running an active space shuttle program, preparing for the critical mission to save the Hubble Space Telescope, developing systems for returning astronauts to the moon by 2019, building the Curiosity and Maven Mars probes and planning an orbiter for Jupiter’s moon Europa. Toda,y the shuttles are gone, the moon program is gone, and this decade’s Mars and Jupiter probes are gone - all without saving a nickel. In terms of damage done per dollar cut, it may be a world’s record.
There has long been a school of thought among liberals contending that space dollars would be “better spent on Earth” (actually, all space dollars are spent on Earth) to meet the expenses of various social programs. This is an arguable proposition, but as NASA’s flat budget plan shows, it is not the motive behind the administration’s move against planetary exploration. So the question must arise: Why are they doing this?
Perhaps the answer is provided by an examination of the core beliefs of the president’s science adviser, John P. Holdren. In his 1971 book, “GlobalEcology,” co-authored with anti-human-growth ideologue Paul R. Ehrlich (of “PopulationBomb” fame), Mr. Holdren wrote:
“When a population of organisms grows in a finite environment, sooner or later it will encounter a resource limit. This phenomenon, described by ecologists as reaching the ‘carrying capacity’ of the environment, applies to bacteria on a culture dish, to fruit flies in a jar of agar, and to buffalo on a prairie. It must also apply to man on this finite planet.”
Thus, in order to accept the constraints on human aspirations demanded by Mr. HoldrenMr. Ehrlichand their co-thinkers (whether rationalized by alleged limits to available resources in the 1970s or by the putative threat of global warming), people must be convinced that the future is closed. The issue is not that resources from space might disrupt the would-be regulators’ rationing schemes. Rather it is that the idea of an open future with unlimited resources and possibilities undermines the walls of the mental prison the would-be wardens of mankind seek to construct.
Ideas have consequences. If the idea is accepted that resources are limited, then human activities must be severely constrained, and someone must be empowered to enforce the constraining. But if it is understood that the possibilities for human existence are as open as unfettered human creativity can make them, then the protection of liberty becomes the first responsibility of government.
The stakes are thus very high. That is why, consistent with his beliefs, Mr. Holdren has overseen the reduction of NASA’s Mars exploration budget from $620 million in 2008 to $360 million next year (nearly all of which will go to running George W. Bush administration legacy missions). At the same time, he has boosted Earth science funding from $1.27 billion to $1.80 billion over the same period - a form of research that is massively redundant given the scores of satellites, thousands of aircraft and balloons, and sea and ground stations taking millions of daily measurements on or above every part of the globe already.
More info at
