Friday, December 25, 2009

After confirming that he will fight for the presidency in 2011, Duhalde plays with a possible names for Cabinet

Just hours after confirming at least the media, their intention to fight for the presidency as candidate of the PJ in 2011, Eduardo Duhalde risked names of potential partners in a potential cabinet.

The list included Roberto Lavagna, Jorge Remes Lenicov, Graciela Camano and Alfredo Atanasof, all ministers in his government between January 2002 and May 2003.

In addition, returned to butt against NĂ©tor Kirchner and reinforced the idea that "works" for the former president can not return to politics in the province of Buenos Aires.
On the other hand, avoided confrontation with Carlos Reutemann, who had crossed with harshly by the speculation over who would run, but the senator also sought to differentiate Santa Fe.

By name.

For a report broadcast by Radio 2 de Rosario, Duhalde was asked about who could join his group of associates when it reaches the Casa Rosada.

He mentioned his two ministers of finance, remittances and Lavagna, who said, are writing a book about his government, Camano, whom he described as "an extraordinary minister of labor" and Atanasof, who was secretary of Homeland Security management and his cabinet chief.

Kirchner's attack came in a further attempt to differentiate from Reutemann Duhalde. "The Santa Fe situation is different, but I'm where are the headquarters of Kirchner and I need to start working and organizing for the emergence of new leaders in the province of Buenos Aires.'m Going to work for Kirchner never again be leader, at least in my province, "launched.

In addition, we predicted the Santa Cruz heavy loss of support in the coming months. "He will not accompany virtually no significant leader. It generates a lot of resentment among governors and mayors," he said. "When Kirhcner go there will be pictures of him or guilds or anywhere. Only the mother should have her picture, complete with irony

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