Sunday, June 10, 2012
The mini honeymoon Sharon Stone and her Argentine boyfriend
They met a month ago, and after the initial crush that led them to dance and flirt all night in a megafiesta in St. Paul, Sharon Stone (54) and Micah Martin (30) romantic reunion planned this for weeks, as he told a few days ago, exclusively for Hello! Argentina: "Since Sharon returned to Los Angeles we saw more, but we talked on the phone all the time and we look forward to being together again."So it was that the couple wrote the second chapter of his passionate love story: Martin traveled to Los Angeles, where Sharon was waiting to enjoy together in a mini honeymoon that included kissing and confidence in Venice beaches, shopping and rides car for West Hollywood.
"Do not put a name to our relationship, but I have no fear you label 'Sharon Stone's boyfriend' confessed Mica before boarding a plane to meet up with the diva.She, who maintains intact its sexy goddess status and seems to be living a second youth beside the Argentine heartthrob, is very excited about this new love.
They say that the night they met he fell in love with their safety and soundness, and the actress, dazzled by his Latin lover, he staged all his charms to seduce him. And he did: far from being in a story, the romance continues now in the U.S.. Sharon Stone was one of the most sought after actresses of the 90, and her role in Basic Instinct is difficult to forget. Since then, her famous legs stepped on strong all the red carpets of Hollywood's greatest directors want to have it before their cameras.
However, love was not so lucky: she was married three times and three ended in divorce. Adopted three children: the first, Roan, in 2000, when she was married to journalist Phil Bronstein, then to Laird and Quinn in 2005 and 2006, who decided to adopt as a single mother.Mica Martin is single and lives in Praia Brava, in the city of Itajai, southern Brazil. Love surfing and music, his portfolio includes work as a model for United Colors of Benetton, Italy Black Label and a campaign for Morellato Italian firm in which he had as a partner none other than supermodel Bar Refaeli.
"Do not put a name to our relationship, but I have no fear you label 'Sharon Stone's boyfriend' confessed Mica before boarding a plane to meet up with the diva.She, who maintains intact its sexy goddess status and seems to be living a second youth beside the Argentine heartthrob, is very excited about this new love.
They say that the night they met he fell in love with their safety and soundness, and the actress, dazzled by his Latin lover, he staged all his charms to seduce him. And he did: far from being in a story, the romance continues now in the U.S.. Sharon Stone was one of the most sought after actresses of the 90, and her role in Basic Instinct is difficult to forget. Since then, her famous legs stepped on strong all the red carpets of Hollywood's greatest directors want to have it before their cameras.
However, love was not so lucky: she was married three times and three ended in divorce. Adopted three children: the first, Roan, in 2000, when she was married to journalist Phil Bronstein, then to Laird and Quinn in 2005 and 2006, who decided to adopt as a single mother.Mica Martin is single and lives in Praia Brava, in the city of Itajai, southern Brazil. Love surfing and music, his portfolio includes work as a model for United Colors of Benetton, Italy Black Label and a campaign for Morellato Italian firm in which he had as a partner none other than supermodel Bar Refaeli.
The mini bryllupsreise Sharon Stone og hennes argentinske kjæreste
De møttes for en måned siden, og etter den første forelskelsen som ledet dem til å danse og flørte hele natten i en megafiesta i St. Paul, Sharon Stone (54) og Micah Martin (30) romantisk gjenforening planlagt dette i flere uker, som han fortalte for noen dager siden, utelukkende for Hello! Argentina: ". Siden Sharon returnerte til Los Angeles vi så mer, men vi snakket på telefonen hele tiden og vi ser frem til å være sammen igjen"
Så det var at paret skrev andre kapittelet av sin lidenskapelige kjærlighetshistorie: Martin reiste til Los Angeles, hvor Sharon ventet på å nyte sammen i en mini bryllupsreise som inkluderte kyssing og tillit i Venezia strender, shopping og turer bil for West Hollywood. "Ikke sette et navn til forholdet vårt, men jeg har ingen frykt du etiketten 'Sharon Stone kjæreste' bekjent Mica før bord i et fly for å møte opp med diva.
Hun, som opprettholder intakt sin sexy gudinne status og synes å være å leve et sekund ungdom ved den argentinske sjarmøren, er svært begeistret for denne nye kjærlighet. De sier at natten de møtte han forelsket seg i deres sikkerhet og soliditet, og skuespillerinnen, blendet av hans latinske elskeren, iscenesatt han alle sine sjarm å forføre ham. Og han gjorde: langt fra å være i en historie, fortsetter romantikk nå i USA.
Sharon Stone var en av de mest ettertraktede skuespillerinner på 90, og hennes rolle i Basic Instinct er vanskelig å glemme. Siden da gikk hun kjente beina på sterk alle de røde tepper av Hollywoods største regissører ønsker å ha det før sine kameraer. Men var kjærlighet ikke så heldig: Hun var gift tre ganger og tre endte i skilsmisse. Vedtatt tre barn: Den første, Roan, i 2000, da hun ble gift med journalist Phil Bronstein, deretter til Laird og Quinn i 2005 og 2006, som bestemte seg for å adoptere som alenemor.
Mica Martin er singel og bor i Praia Brava, i byen Itajai, sørlige Brasil. Kjærlighet surfing og musikk, omfatter hans portefølje arbeid som en modell for United Colors of Benetton, Italia Black Label og en kampanje for Morellato italienske firmaet der han hadde som partner ingen ringere enn supermodellen Bar Refaeli.
所以这是这对夫妻写了他充满激情的爱情故事第二章:马丁前往洛杉矶,沙龙被等候在那里迷你蜜月,包括接吻和信心在威尼斯海滩一起享受,购物和游乐设施西好莱坞的汽车。 “不要把我们的关系名称,但我没有恐惧标签'莎朗·斯通的男友”承认之前登上飞机,以满足天后云母。
云母马丁是单一和在普拉亚布拉瓦生活,在伊塔雅伊巴西南部城市。爱冲浪和音乐,他的投资组合,包括美国,意大利贝纳通的Black Label的颜色模型和MORELLATO意大利公司中,他有比其他超模酒吧Refaeli作为合作伙伴没有运动的工作。
The մինի մեղրամիս Sharon Stone եւ նրա ընկերոջ Արգենտինա
Նրանք հանդիպեցին մեկ ամիս առաջ, եւ հետո, նախնական երկրպագում, որը հանգեցրեց նրանց պարել, եւ ամբողջ գիշեր սիրախաղ անող մի megafiesta Սուրբ Պողոսը, Sharon քար (54) եւ Micah Մարտին (30) Ռոմանտիկ հանդիպում նախատեսված դա շաբաթների ընթացքում, ինչպես ինքն ասաց, մի քանի օր առաջ, բացառապես Hello! Արգենտինա: «Քանի որ Sharon վերադարձավ Լոս Անջելես, մենք տեսանք, ավելի շատ, բայց մենք խոսում է հեռախոսով ամբողջ ժամանակը, եւ մենք ակնկալում ենք, որ համախմբվեն օջախում».
Ուրեմն, այն էր, որ զույգը գրել է երկրորդ գլուխը իր կրքոտ սիրո պատմությունը: Martin մեկնել է Լոս Անջելես, որտեղ Sharon սպասում էր վայելել միասին մի մինի մեղրամիս է, որ ընդգրկված համբուրեց ու վստահություն Վենետիկում անում, առեւտրի եւ rides մասին մեքենա Արեւմտյան Հոլիվուդում. "Մի անգամ անուն է մեր հարաբերություններում, սակայն ես չունեմ վախ եք պիտականուն, Sharon Stone-ի ընկերոջ, խոստովանեց Միկա բարձրանալուց առաջ մի ինքնաթիռ հանդիպելու հետ diva.
Նա, ով պնդում է անձեռնմխելի է իր թվերը Sexy դիցուհու կարգավիճակը եւ կարծես կենդանի երկրորդ երիտասարդների կողքին Արգենտինայի heartthrob, շատ ոգեւորված այս նոր սիրով: Նրանք ասում են, որ գիշերը նրանք հանդիպել նա սիրահարվեց իրենց անվտանգության եւ soundness, իսկ դերասանուհի `dazzled իր լատիներեն lover, նա բեմադրել նրա բոլոր charms Ինչպես հրապուրել նրան. Եվ նա դա արել: հեռու մի պատմվածքում, որ սիրավեպ է այժմ ԱՄՆ - ում.
Sharon Stone մեկն էր, առավել ձգտել հետո դերասանուհիներ է 90, իսկ նրա դերը Հիմնական բնազդ դժվար է մոռանալ. Այդ ժամանակից ի վեր, նրա հայտնի ոտքերը հասել է հզոր բոլոր կարմիր գորգեր եւ հոլիվուդյան մեծագույն ռեժիսորների ուզում ենք ունենալ այն, նախքան իրենց տեսախցիկների. Սակայն, սեր էր, ոչ այնքան բախտավոր: Նա ամուսնացած էր, երեք անգամ, երեք ավարտվել է ամուսնալուծության: Ընդունված է երեք զավակ, առաջին, չալծ խայտագորշ ձի, 2000 թ, երբ նա ամուսնացած լրագրող Ֆիլ Bronstein, ապա կալվածատեր եւ Quinn 2005 եւ 2006 թվականներին, որոնք որոշում են ընդունում է որպես միայնակ մայր:
Միկա Martin-ը միայնակ է եւ ապրում է Praia Brava, քաղաքում Itajai, Հարավային Բրազիլիա Սեր ճամփորդել եւ երաժշտություն, նրա փաթեթը ներառում է աշխատանքը որպես մոդել ՄԱԿ գույներով, Իտալիայում Benetton Սեւ պիտակից եւ քարոզարշավ հանուն Morellato Իտալական ընկերությունը, որը նա ունեցել է որպես գործընկեր ոչ այլ, քան սուպերմոդել իրավաբանների Refaeli.
Die mini wittebrood Sharon Stone en haar Argentynse kêrel
Hulle het met 'n maand gelede, en na die aanvanklike geliefdes wat daartoe gelei het dat hulle om te dans en flirt die hele nag in 'n megafiesta in St Paul, Sharon Stone (54) En Miga Martin (30) romantiese reünie beplan dit vir weke, soos hy gesê 'n paar dae gelede, uitsluitlik vir Hallo! Argentinië: "Sedert Sharon terug na Los Angeles, het ons gesien het, maar ons het gepraat oor die telefoon al die tyd en ons sien uit daarna om saam te weer."
So was dit ook dat die paartjie het die tweede hoofstuk van sy passievolle liefde storie geskryf: Martin na Los Angeles gereis, waar Sharon gewag het om saam te geniet in 'n mini-wittebrood wat ingesluit soen en vertroue in Venesië strande, winkels en ritte motor vir die Wes-Hollywood. "Moenie 'n naam steek nie aan ons verhouding, maar ek het geen vrees jy etiket" Sharon Stone se kêrel bely Mica Voor jy aan boord van 'n vliegtuig om te voldoen aan met die diva.
Sy, wat 'heel sexy godin status en blyk te wees die lewe van 'n tweede jeug langs die Argentynse heartthrob, is baie opgewonde oor hierdie nuwe liefde. Hulle sê dat die nag wat hulle ontmoet het hy het in liefde met hul veiligheid en welstand, en die aktrise, betower deur sy Latynse minnaar, opgevoer het hy al sy sjarme om hom te verlei. En hy het ver in 'n storie, die romanse bly nou in die VSA.
Sharon Stone was een van die mees gesogte aktrises van die 90, en haar rol in Basic Instinct is moeilik om te vergeet. Sedertdien het, haar beroemde bene trap op 'n sterk al die rooi tapyte van Hollywood se grootste direkteure wil dit voor hul kameras te hê. Liefde was egter nie so gelukkig nie: sy getroud is drie keer en drie geëindig in egskeiding. Goedkeuring drie kinders: die eerste, bastergemsbokke, in 2000, toe sy getroud is aan die joernalis Phil stein, dan Laird en Quinn in 2005 en 2006, wat besluit het om aan te neem as 'n enkelma.
Mica Martin is enkel-en woon in Praia Brava, in die stad van Itajaí, die suide van Brasilië. Love navigeer en musiek, sy portefeulje sluit in werk as 'n model vir die Verenigde kleure van Benetton, Italië Black Label en 'n veldtog vir Morellato Italiaanse firma wat hy gehad het as 'n vennoot niemand anders as die supermodel Bar Refaeli.
Monday, June 04, 2012
Brazil against Monsanto
Monsanto is one of the most dangerous companies of the world. They have been doing bad things worldwide for years. Right Now, brazilian farmers had sued Monsanto.
Five million Brazilian farmers are locked in a lawsuit with US-based biotech giant Monsanto, suing for as much as 6.2 billion euros. They say that the genetic-engineering company has been collecting royalties on crops it unfairly claims as its own.
The farmers claim that Monsanto unfairly collects exorbitant profits every year worldwide on royalties from “renewal” seed harvests. “Renewal” crops are those that have been planted using seed from the previous year’s harvest. While the practice of renewal farming is an ancient one, Monsanto disagrees, demanding royalties from any crop generation produced from its genetically-engineered seed. Because the engineered seed is patented, Monsanto not only charges an initial royalty on the sale of the crop produced, but a continuing 2 per cent royalty on every subsequent crop, even if the farmer is using a later generation of seed.
"Monsanto gets paid when it sell the seeds. The law gives producers the right to multiply the seeds they buy and nowhere in the world is there a requirement to pay (again). Producers are in effect paying a private tax on production," Jane Berwanger, lawyer for the farmers told the Associated Press reports.
In the latest installment of the legal battle erupting in South America, the Brazilian court has ruled in favor of the Brazilian farmers, saying Monsanto owes them at least US$2 billion paid since 2004. Monsanto, however, has appealed the decision and the case is ongoing.
In essence, Monsanto argues that once a farmer buys their seed, they have to pay the global bio-tech giant a yearly fee in perpetuity – with no way out.
At stake is Brazil’s highly profitable and ever growing soybean production. Last year, Brazil was the world's second producer and exporter of soybean behind the United States, according to the AFP report.
The crops can be used for anything from animal feed to bio fuel, and worldwide demand is growing.
Genetically engineered soy first appeared illegally in Brazil in the 1990’s, smuggled in from neighboring Argentina. The Brazilian farmers found the seed attractive despite the ban in place from the Brazilian authorities because Monsanto had specifically designed the seed to be resistant to its own immensely powerful and popular herbicide Roundup.
When used in tandem, the strong herbicide will kill the weeds while allowing the soy crops to grow unimpeded. After the ban was lifted, genetically modified seed flooded the Brazilian market, and now 85 per cent of the Brazilian soy crop is genetically-engineered. Soy has been extremely successful in Brazil, currently making up 26 per cent of the country’s farm exports last year and netting Brazil a total of $24.1 billion, according to AP. However, Brazil’s farmers were apparently unaware there would be a heavy price to pay.
To make a deal with Monsanto is to make a deal with a company that is one the most powerful and pervasive food giants in the world. It is the world’s number one seed developer, and its patented genes have been inserted into 95 per cent of all American soy, and 80 per cent of all American corn crops. Monsanto has repeatedly levied large damage suits against independent farmers that have unknowingly or unwittingly used their seed.
And Monsanto’s reach goes far beyond agriculture.
Monsanto is also the world’s largest manufacturer of synthetic bovine growth hormone, injected into cows in order to stimulate greater milk production. The widespread pressure by the company to use the chemical and the subsequent measures taken by Monsanto to suppress information regarding the potential health risks sparked uproar among American farmers.
When dairy producers that did not use Monsanto’s products began labeling their products as “Hormone Free” or “Organic”, Monsanto slapped them with a lawsuit as recently as 2008, claiming the labels amounted to negative advertising against hormone-produced milk.
Director of corporate communications for Monsanto, Phil Angell, summed up Monsanto’s take on the issue in a report by food author Michael Pollan for New York Times Magazine in 1998: "Monsanto should not have to vouch for the safety of biotech food. Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is FDA's job."
70% of the population of Cordoba, Argentna rejects nuclear power
Buenos Aires, May 30, 2012 - A survey by consulting firm Mori for Greenpeace MBC (1), revealed that 70 percent of the population of the City of Córdoba and 78 percent in Calamuchita believes that nuclear power is dangerous and 75 percent disagree with the construction of new plants. Seven in ten respondents want to completely eliminate nuclear activity in the region where they live.
"These data show that residents of Córdoba do not want to mortgage their future to the risks of nuclear energy and radioactive waste; bet on a clean and secure energy future for their region and for Argentina," said Mauro Fernández, coordinator of the campaign against nuclear power from Greenpeace.
The study showed the opposition to nuclear power in Cordoba and Calamuchita department, area of potential impact of the Nuclear Accident Reservoir, where 80 percent believe that a disaster of this nature may occur. 84% of the residents want to close the plant or redirect expenditure to the extent of its life-initially estimated in 1,344 million dollars to energies such as wind or solar. Three out of four respondents believe that nuclear power is cleaner and choose the electricity they consume is not from nuclear power plants.
The nuclear power generation appears as one of the main economic activities resisted by the population, after open pit mining. Less than 1% admitted to the nuclear industry as a productive activity relevant to their region, while 83% recognize tourism as preferred economic activity and most agree that both activities are not supported.
Greenpeace is demanding the government to listen to people, permanent closure of the central reservoir and promote clean energy development. "The lack of public hearings and consultations for the atomic project progress of the Argentine government silenced the neighbors of these dangerous ventures," he said Fernandez.Undo edits
"These data show that residents of Córdoba do not want to mortgage their future to the risks of nuclear energy and radioactive waste; bet on a clean and secure energy future for their region and for Argentina," said Mauro Fernández, coordinator of the campaign against nuclear power from Greenpeace.
The study showed the opposition to nuclear power in Cordoba and Calamuchita department, area of potential impact of the Nuclear Accident Reservoir, where 80 percent believe that a disaster of this nature may occur. 84% of the residents want to close the plant or redirect expenditure to the extent of its life-initially estimated in 1,344 million dollars to energies such as wind or solar. Three out of four respondents believe that nuclear power is cleaner and choose the electricity they consume is not from nuclear power plants.
The nuclear power generation appears as one of the main economic activities resisted by the population, after open pit mining. Less than 1% admitted to the nuclear industry as a productive activity relevant to their region, while 83% recognize tourism as preferred economic activity and most agree that both activities are not supported.
Greenpeace is demanding the government to listen to people, permanent closure of the central reservoir and promote clean energy development. "The lack of public hearings and consultations for the atomic project progress of the Argentine government silenced the neighbors of these dangerous ventures," he said Fernandez.Undo edits
Confirmed: Messi will became dad
A gesture is worth a thousand words, and it appears that long-awaited confirmation came: Lionel Messi will be a father.
The crack spoke today through the ball, putting it under his shirt, mimicking a pregnant belly, and with that cleared up any doubts about the state of his girlfriend, Antonella Roccuzzo.
Several days ago and he had transcended the news that Dad would be Messi, although the player had not ruled on the matter.
Remember that saturday the Argentina thrashed Ecuador 4-0 in the fifth round of the Qualifiers CONMEBOL and became the sole leader.
The crack spoke today through the ball, putting it under his shirt, mimicking a pregnant belly, and with that cleared up any doubts about the state of his girlfriend, Antonella Roccuzzo.
Several days ago and he had transcended the news that Dad would be Messi, although the player had not ruled on the matter.
Remember that saturday the Argentina thrashed Ecuador 4-0 in the fifth round of the Qualifiers CONMEBOL and became the sole leader.
The "Girl Loly" says that every night looking for a baby with Jorge Rial
"Today God rewarded me, I enjoy, but I've lived in hotels," said the model in an interview on radio this is just beginning, on his great this work, that has worked in radio and television staff, very much in love Intrusion driver.
"I was very cruel things happened in my early days. I suffered to be known, everyone thinks of one, they said terrible things about me. And I'm not like that. In recent months, I saw many panquequear about me. But I know who stood by me: people who always loved me, gave me a hand, I will always be present.
Do not forget my roots. Those who want change now, are welcome, but I will always remember everything, "said Loly. Then Antoniale spoke of his relationship with George, "When you turn the camera, Jorge is another person, is great fun, play a lot. In private, is a divine. I met my whims and attentive to me. It amazes me, is a great man. " At the end, was surprised with the following statement: "Want to be parents we have, I feel like I have to be a mom.Every night we look for the baby ".
"I was very cruel things happened in my early days. I suffered to be known, everyone thinks of one, they said terrible things about me. And I'm not like that. In recent months, I saw many panquequear about me. But I know who stood by me: people who always loved me, gave me a hand, I will always be present.
Do not forget my roots. Those who want change now, are welcome, but I will always remember everything, "said Loly. Then Antoniale spoke of his relationship with George, "When you turn the camera, Jorge is another person, is great fun, play a lot. In private, is a divine. I met my whims and attentive to me. It amazes me, is a great man. " At the end, was surprised with the following statement: "Want to be parents we have, I feel like I have to be a mom.Every night we look for the baby ".
"A menina Loly", diz que todas as noites à procura de um bebê com Jorge Rial
"Hoje Deus me recompensou, eu gosto, mas eu vivi em hotéis", disse o modelo em uma entrevista na rádio esta está apenas começando, em sua obra este grande, que já trabalhou em rádio e pessoal de televisão, muito apaixonado motorista de intrusão.
"Eu estava coisas muito cruéis aconteceu nos meus primeiros dias. Eu sofri a ser conhecido, todo mundo pensa de um, eles disseram coisas terríveis sobre mim. E eu não sou assim. Nos últimos meses, vi muitos panquequear sobre mim. Mas eu sei que ficou ao meu lado: as pessoas que sempre me amou, me deu uma mão, eu vou estar sempre presente. Não se esqueça das minhas raízes. Aqueles que querem a mudança agora, são bem-vindos, mas sempre vou lembrar de tudo ", disse Loly.
Então Antoniale falou de seu relacionamento com George, "Quando você ligar a câmera, Jorge é outra pessoa, é muito divertido, jogar muito. Em privado, é um ser divino. Eu encontrei os meus caprichos e atentos para mim. Espanta-me, é um grande homem. "
"Eu estava coisas muito cruéis aconteceu nos meus primeiros dias. Eu sofri a ser conhecido, todo mundo pensa de um, eles disseram coisas terríveis sobre mim. E eu não sou assim. Nos últimos meses, vi muitos panquequear sobre mim. Mas eu sei que ficou ao meu lado: as pessoas que sempre me amou, me deu uma mão, eu vou estar sempre presente. Não se esqueça das minhas raízes. Aqueles que querem a mudança agora, são bem-vindos, mas sempre vou lembrar de tudo ", disse Loly.
Então Antoniale falou de seu relacionamento com George, "Quando você ligar a câmera, Jorge é outra pessoa, é muito divertido, jogar muito. Em privado, é um ser divino. Eu encontrei os meus caprichos e atentos para mim. Espanta-me, é um grande homem. "
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