Sunday, December 09, 2012
Sunday, December 02, 2012
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Kid´s pictures transformed in professional´s illustrations
Amrit de 5 años de edad nos trae su visión de lo que hay debajo del mar

Estos pingüinos son la creación de Tejas de 7 años de edad

Un campista en , por Quentin de 5 años de edad

La puerta a un mundo mágico, por Felicia de 13 años de edad

Asalto al castillo, por Pau Agiló de 8 años de edad

El hundimiento del Titanic, por Aiden de 7 años de edad

Batalla de las guerra de las galaxias, por Brandon de 6 años de edad

Una caja de regalo, por Nira de 3 años de edad

Un conejo malo, por Naomi de 7 años de edad

Luna de miel, por Zoe de 7 años de edad

Sunday, November 04, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
"A Little Princess" Kaylee, is botinera?
After a complicated separation, Karina Tejeda-better known as "The Princess of cumbia", would find love again. Four months after the break with Ezekiel "The Polish" Cwirklauk-other tropical music idol-singer would be starting a romance with footballer Cristian Erbes Boca.
"I left four months ago, I did not know anyone for fear the same thing happens to me, but now I met someone," said the artist in a note that was published recently in the newspaper Clarin. And now, the very morning revealed that that "someone" is the Boca Juniors midfielder of 22 years.
Apparently the relationship began through a mutual friend, who asked Erbes Karina's phone after being amazed to see it, despite being five years younger.
In the past, the singer had been linked to another player, Cristian "The Ogre" Fabbiani, although she always denied. After returning to the single life, it is also related to Thomas Costantini, but not confirmed.
Now the story (of love) seems to be another ...
Sued the AXE deodorant because it helped him pick up women
n New Delhi, a man complained to AXE deodorant because it helped him pick up women. He decided to sue the brand because the product did not meet its promises: look sexy to attract girls. Frustrated, sued the company for false advertising.
Deodorant, famous for its fragrances make the man "more attractive", is in trouble. Apparently, a young man gave no result, no company as it continues not to mention a girlfriend, and sued the company for not complying with the benefits.
This application was filed in the Justice of Delhi and the man "victim" who filed the complaint is Vaibhav Bedi, and his argument was simple: "For seven years I used AXE and honestly never helped me get girls."
As stated in the record, Bedi accused of "the false promises of AXE have caused mental suffering" and therefore seeks compensation. The applicant stated that he used brand products without that would provide an extra in their ability to "get women".
Sued AXE deodorant, fordi det hjalp ham afhente kvinder
I New Delhi, klagede en mand til at AXE deodorant, fordi det hjalp ham afhente kvinder. Han besluttede at sagsøge mærket, fordi produktet ikke opfylder sine løfter: se sexet at tiltrække piger. Frustrerede, sagsøges selskabet for falsk reklame.
Deodorant, berømt for sine dufte gør manden "mere attraktivt", er i problemer. Tilsyneladende en ung mand gav intet resultat, ingen virksomhed, da det fortsat ikke at nævne en kæreste, og sagsøges selskabet for ikke at overholde de fordele.
Denne ansøgning blev indgivet i Justice Delhi og manden "offer" der indgav klagen er Vaibhav Bedi, og hans argument var enkel: ". I syv år har jeg brugt AXE og ærligt aldrig hjulpet mig med at få piger"
Som anført i journalen, Bedi anklaget for "de falske løfter om AXE har forårsaget psykiske lidelser" og derfor nedlagt påstand om erstatning. Ansøgeren oplyste, at han brugte mærkevarer uden at ville give en ekstra i deres evne til at "få kvinder".
The Argentine government's Nuclear Plan promotes the expansion of mining pollution
Argentina's Association of Environmental Lawyers (AAdeAA) FUNAM (Córdoba), Greenpeace, the Green-FEP, the antinuclear movement of Chubut (MACH), Oikos (Mendoza), the National Ecological Action Network (REBORN), the Ecologist Workshop ( Rosario) and the Union of Assemblies Patagónicas (UAP) warned today that the Nuclear Plan relaunched in 2006 by the National Government has the direct consequence, among others, the revival of uranium mining in the country.
In this direction, the governor of Chubut, Martín Buzzi, introduced in the provincial legislature a bill that opens the door to the mining of uranium and thorium. In this regard, detailed organizations that:
• The country has reserves of uranium secured by 10,400 tons. All of these reserves will be demanded by the current nuclear plan in place. These minerals can only be extracted by open pit mining and heap leaching with sulfuric acid.
• The advancement of nuclear plan is the only reason to develop uranium mining. While the increase in the international price of this mineral is an additional incentive, the construction of new nuclear plants are the engine of this extraction.
• Only the extension of the life of the reservoir atomic reactor, require about 3,000 tons of uranium over the next 30 years. To this we must add the plan to operate Atucha II nuclear plant and to acquire new plants abroad, representing a demand of 10,000 tons for 2030.
• In line with the above, articles 44 ° and 45 ° of that bill in Chubut province to declare nuclear minerals (uranium and thorium) of "strategic" and "provincial interest", thus promoting removal. The Provincial Council of Environment (COPRAM) and Chubut Legislature can not relax its mining legislation obeying the deployment of a technology inherently unsafe and dangerous as nuclear.
• In Chubut, Pichiñán uranium site has 145,000 tonnes of waste - "tailings" - from its operation between 1976 and 1980.
• Thirty years Pichiñán site closure, the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) did not advance in the treatment of waste and the remediation of the area.
• As a direct consequence of the above, the CNEA plans to revive the Cerro Solo deposit (part of the site Pichiñán), with estimated reserves of 4,600 tons of uranium. Similarly, in its 2019 strategic plan sets CNEA reactivation Industrial Mining Complex San Rafael, in the province of Mendoza. To allow uranium mining in Chubut, Mendoza will be the next district in conflict.
• In December 2010 the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation CNEA forced to remedy the Sierra Pintada liabilities before reactivating their exploitation.
For these reasons, organizations reject the new framework more flexible mining in Chubut province's position with respect to mining activity, expressed in the 5001 Act, and urge the Government to redirect investment in nuclear power to renewable energy, clean and safe.
Nuclear power threatens the population throughout the nuclear fuel cycle. Demand also exploitation of radioactive minerals in the country can only be extracted in the open, driving the expansion of mining very high impact. The only uraniferous activity required of the country is the remediation of the sites exploited.
Plano Nuclear do governo da Argentina promove a expansão da mineração
Associação Argentina de Advogados Ambientalistas (AAdeAA) Funam (Córdoba), o Greenpeace, o verde-FEP, o movimento antinuclear de Chubut (MACH), Oikos (Mendoza), a Rede Nacional de Ação Ecológica (Reborn), a Oficina Ecologista ( Rosario) e da União das Assembléias Patagónicas (UAP) alertou hoje que o Plano Nuclear relançado em 2006 pelo Governo Nacional tem como consequência direta, entre outros, o renascimento da mineração de urânio no país.
Nesse sentido, o governador de Chubut, Martin Buzzi, introduzido na legislatura provincial um projeto de lei que abre a porta para a mineração de urânio e tório. A este respeito, as organizações detalhados que:
• O país tem reservas de urânio garantidos por 10.400 toneladas. Todas essas reservas serão exigidos pelo plano atual nuclear no local. Estes minerais só pode ser extraída por mineração a céu aberto e lixiviação com ácido sulfúrico.
• O avanço do plano nuclear é a única razão para desenvolver a mineração de urânio. Enquanto o aumento do preço internacional do mineral é um incentivo adicional, a construção de novas usinas nucleares são o motor desta extração.
• Apenas o prolongamento da vida útil do reactor atómico reservatório, necessita de cerca de 3000 toneladas de urânio nos próximos 30 anos. Para isto é preciso acrescentar o plano para operar usina Atucha II nuclear e adquirir novas plantas no exterior, o que representa uma demanda de 10.000 toneladas para 2030.
• Em linha com o exposto acima, os artigos 44 ° e 45 ° do projeto de lei que na província de Chubut para declarar minerais nucleares (urânio e tório) de "estratégico" e "interesse provincial", promovendo assim a remoção. O Conselho Provincial de Meio Ambiente (COPRAM) e Chubut Legislativo não pode relaxar sua legislação mineira obedecendo a implantação de uma tecnologia inerentemente inseguro e perigoso como o nuclear.
• Em Chubut, Pichiñán site de urânio tem 145 mil toneladas de resíduos - "Rejeitados" - de sua operação entre 1976 e 1980.
• Trinta anos de encerramento Pichiñán site, o Nacional Comissão de Energia Atômica (CNEA) não avançar no tratamento de resíduos e de remediação da área.
• Como conseqüência direta do acima exposto, a CNEA pretende reviver o depósito Solo Cerro (parte do Pichiñán local), com reservas estimadas em 4.600 toneladas de urânio. Da mesma forma, no seu plano estratégico 2019 define reativação CNEA industrial complexo mineiro San Rafael, na província de Mendoza. Para permitir a mineração de urânio em Chubut, Mendoza será o próximo distrito em conflito.
• Em dezembro de 2010 a Corte Suprema de Justiça da Nação CNEA obrigados a remediar os passivos Sierra Pintada antes de reativar a sua exploração.
Por estas razões, as organizações rejeitar o novo quadro de mineração mais flexível na posição província de Chubut com relação à atividade de mineração, expressa na Lei 5001, e exortar o Governo a redirecionar o investimento em energia nuclear para energia renovável, limpa e seguro.
A energia nuclear ameaça a população de todo o ciclo do combustível nuclear. Exigir também a exploração de minerais radioativos no país só pode ser extraído a céu aberto, impulsionando a expansão do impacto de mineração muito alta. A atividade uraniferous necessário apenas do país é a remediação dos locais explorados.
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Sunday, July 08, 2012
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