Monday, April 07, 2014
Shocking photos of flooding in Neuquén (Argentina)
In the province of Neuquén, Argentina, there are more than 1500 evacuees and expected the worst storm in 40 years. Argentines users report using social networks which are suffering in real time.
For twelve hours in Neuquén rained just as rain in a year (150 mm) and the city is not ready for this. The most affected districts were those on the fence (to the west) and the low, easily flooded drain over there because all the streets that end in Limay River spas.
Climate Change
Sunday, April 06, 2014
Buenos Aires : They find a hidden treasure under a statue of Christopher Columbus
The treasure was buried in the eyes of everyone , but no one knew that beneath the statue of Christopher Columbus in Buenos Aires was a treasure from another century. Old copies of the time of the daily ' The Nation ', ' The Press ' and ' Corriere della Sera '; Italian and Argentinian coins and banknotes; medals , stamps and books remained sheltered in two chests hidden tin at the foot of the controversial monument of Columbus , behind the Casa Rosada.
This discovery was made by chance and extensive political struggle between the central government and the mayor of Buenos Aires , Mauricio Macri opposition .
Within the container two film rolls could witness how it was built and how it was armed statue found. They also found old parchments , coins of different materials and daily news about the works and the inauguration of the monument to Christopher Columbus.
The objects were stored in sealed boxes that were sent to the Museum of the Bicentenary , until the final storage place to be decided.
According to initial investigations, the chest would have been buried in 1921 , when he began the assembly site of the sculpture.
The statue of Christopher Columbus has been the subject of a famous controversy between the Government of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and one of his main political adversaries. In the middle of last year , the Argentine government ordered the removal of the statue of Christopher Columbus from his pedestal.
The idea was to replace it with a monument to Independence guerrilla Azurduy Juana , a native of Sucre ( Bolivia ), funded with 770,000 euros donated by the government of Evo Morales.
When work began to dismantle the city government ( led by the opposition mayor Mauricio Macri ) claimed his property. Macri accused the Executive of appropriating a monument that was historical and cultural heritage of the city of Buenos Aires , and representatives of the Italian community in Argentina expressed their dismay over the measure.
Italy gave this sculpture to the city of Buenos Aires in 1921 to thank the hospitality of Argentines with immigrants, so this statue has a special meaning for the Italian collective influential.
Solved this political impasse , the central government and the mayor have decided that the statue of Christopher Columbus is located on the grounds of Jorge Newbery Airport, the second busiest airport in Buenos Aires
This discovery was made by chance and extensive political struggle between the central government and the mayor of Buenos Aires , Mauricio Macri opposition .
Within the container two film rolls could witness how it was built and how it was armed statue found. They also found old parchments , coins of different materials and daily news about the works and the inauguration of the monument to Christopher Columbus.
The objects were stored in sealed boxes that were sent to the Museum of the Bicentenary , until the final storage place to be decided.
According to initial investigations, the chest would have been buried in 1921 , when he began the assembly site of the sculpture.
The statue of Christopher Columbus has been the subject of a famous controversy between the Government of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and one of his main political adversaries. In the middle of last year , the Argentine government ordered the removal of the statue of Christopher Columbus from his pedestal.
The idea was to replace it with a monument to Independence guerrilla Azurduy Juana , a native of Sucre ( Bolivia ), funded with 770,000 euros donated by the government of Evo Morales.
When work began to dismantle the city government ( led by the opposition mayor Mauricio Macri ) claimed his property. Macri accused the Executive of appropriating a monument that was historical and cultural heritage of the city of Buenos Aires , and representatives of the Italian community in Argentina expressed their dismay over the measure.
Italy gave this sculpture to the city of Buenos Aires in 1921 to thank the hospitality of Argentines with immigrants, so this statue has a special meaning for the Italian collective influential.
Solved this political impasse , the central government and the mayor have decided that the statue of Christopher Columbus is located on the grounds of Jorge Newbery Airport, the second busiest airport in Buenos Aires
宝藏被埋在众人的眼中,但没有人知道,克里斯托弗·哥伦布在布宜诺斯艾利斯的雕像下面是来自另一个世纪的瑰宝。的日常“国家”的时候旧的副本“的新闻”和“晚邮报” ;意大利和阿根廷硬币和纸币;奖牌,邮票,书籍在两个宝箱隐藏锡在哥伦布的争议纪念碑脚下依然庇护,背后的玫瑰宫。
当时的想法是将其与一个纪念碑独立游击Azurduy胡安娜,一个本地苏克雷(玻利维亚) ,具有770000欧元由莫拉莱斯的政府捐赠资助更换。
解决了这个政治僵局,中央政府和市长已经决定,克里斯托弗·哥伦布的雕像坐落在Jorge Newbery机场,在布宜诺斯艾利斯第二繁忙的机场,理由
Buenos Aires : aurkitu dute bat Kristobal Kolon altxorra estatua baten azpian ezkutatuta .
Altxorra guztion begien lurperatu zuten , baina inork ez zekien Christopher Buenos Airesen Kolon estatua azpian duten mendeko beste altxor bat izan zen. Eguneroko ' Nazioa ' garai kopiak zaharra , ' The Press "eta" Corriere della Sera '; txanpon eta billete italiar eta argentinarrak ; dominak , zigiluak eta liburuak mantendu babestua bi kutxak ezkutatuta lata in Kolon monumentu polemikoa oinean , Casa Rosada atzean .
Aurkikuntza hori zela aukera eta gobernu zentralak eta Buenos Aires, Mauricio Macri oposizioa alkatearen arteko borroka politiko zabala egindako.
Edukiontzi barruan bi film erroiluak nola eraiki zen lekuko izan eta estatua armatuak aurkitu nola izan zen. Pergaminoak zaharra , material desberdinak txanponak eta obren eta monumentuaren inaugurazioan Kristobal Kolon buruzko eguneroko berriak ere aurkitu zuten.
Objektuak kutxak zigilatu bigarren mendeurrena du Museoan bidali ziren gordetzen ziren , biltegiratze final leku erabaki arte egingo da.
Hasierako ikerketen arabera , bularrean zuketen 1921 lurperatu dute , noiz hasi zen muntaia eskultura gunean .
Kristobal Kolon estatua du Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner Gobernuak eta bere alderdi politiko nagusietako bat arteko polemika famatu baten gaia izan da . Iaz erdian , Argentinako Gobernuaren Kristobal Kolon estatua kentzea bere idulki agindu .
Ordeztu Independentzia gerrilla Azurduy Juana , Sucre (Bolivia) jaiotzez , 770.000 euro Evo Moralesen gobernuak emandako finantzatu monumentua batekin ideia izan zen.
Lana hiriko gobernuak ( oposizioko alkate Mauricio Macri buru) desmuntatu noiz hasi zen bere jabegoa erreklamatu . Macri leporatu Exekutiboak monumentu bat zela Buenos Aires hiriko ondare historiko eta kulturala bereganatzean , eta Argentinan Italian komunitatearen ordezkariek beren neurriaren gainetik jarriz adierazten da.
Italia eskultura hau eman Buenos Aires hiriko 1921ean etorkinak argentinar ostalaritza eskerrak eman nahi , beraz, estatua hau Italiako kolektiboa eragin esanahi berezia du .
Impasse politiko hau konpondu , gobernu zentralak eta alkateak erabaki dute Cristobal Kolon estatua hori Jorge Newbery aireportua , Buenos Aireseko aireportuan gehien bigarren arrazoi dago
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