Friday, May 22, 2015

The Argentine club Boca Juniors demand 15 fans due the violence they have generated in the stadium: U$S 7 million

After the incidents caused by fans of Boca Juniors, the club announced it will sue 15 members who were on the field for 70 million pesos for the losses that caused the club's match against River

The match was suspended for assaulting players River Plate, which then led to the elimination Boca Juniors in the Copa Libertadores, a fine of $ 200,000 and a penalty of four games without an audience at home in international competitions and other four games without Boca fans.

The calculation made by the club in demand is not only for the fine imposed CONMEBOL, but also so stop after being disqualified from winning the Cup and the parties will have to play behind closed doors. Among the 15 partners who will be in demand, are the 10 that the club already released their names. These were identified by aggression River players, who assigned the right of admission and initiated efforts to expel them.

Man is killed by his wife meanwhile he was indicating her how to park the car

A 65 year old man died after being hit by his wife as he showed how to park a car at the door of a house in the city of San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina.

According to the woman´s statement to the police she inadvertently accelerated during the parking maneuver.

According to the newspaper La Gaceta, the driver, identified as Hilda Ruiz, 63, was in a car when her husband was directing her to accommodate the car.

Police investigator believe that Ruiz would have accelerated involuntarily as she put the parking brake, and turn it off, the vehicle moved a giant step forward, colliding man.

Friday, May 15, 2015

He killed and said it was an offering to a satanic sect: 13 years in prison

The condemned man is called Omar Valiente and he is 24 years old. Last year, he confessed to killing a man of 85 years as part of a satanic ritual, which forced him to kill three people.

The alleged murderer which killed commissioned by a satanic cult and was sentenced yesterday to thirteen years in prison in a summary trial held in the city of Oberá missionary. The sentence fell on Brave Omar, 24, who confessed to the crime police just arrested him in May last year.

Valiente is detained since May 10 last year, a day after the murder of a stab in the back to Argentine Julio Braga, a man of 85 who lived alone in a rural area of ​​Campo Viera, in the downtown area of ​​Misiones .

The accused frequented a satanic temple based in the San Miguel de Oberá. There, he was asked to they had been asked to "bring" the lives of three people as part of the rite practiced in secrecy. The group disappeared as soon as Valiente was arrested for the crime of Braga.

The first of three attacks that would commit occurred Friday May 9 last year at noon. Valiente came to the area known as "Kilometre 28", in the rural area of ​​Campo Viera, where the old man had a farm and lived alone.

Both were known for quite some time and the boy did not surprise visit to Braga. The expertise showed that Valiente attacked from behind the farmer and struck a deep stab minutes later caused his death.

The murderer hid the knife in a plantation of yerba mate and drove away as if nothing had happened, but some people saw as he walked to the national route 14, half an hour before the body was found.

The next day, in the afternoon, the police arrested Valiente in Campo Viera. When he was taken to the police station in Campo Viera, the young man broke down and confessed to the crime. To justify the crime, he said he had entrusted in a satanic cult and that weekend was to kill two other people whose identities revealed. "If I did not, I was going to kill me," he was sincere.

The accused led the police to where he had left yerbal the knife, but never provided names of people who participated in satanic rites in the San Miguel de Oberá.