Monday, May 28, 2012

Abortion: The Catholic Church against the Argentinian Supreme Court

In the provinces of Argentina, the bishops are seeking to stop the implementation of hospital protocols. And in National Congress there are already plans to hinder non-punishable abortions. They even seek to provide grants to women who carry out the pregnancy in cases of rape.

By Mariana Carbajal

The Catholic Church seeks to neutralize the impact of the historic Supreme Court ruling on non-punishable abortions. On the one hand, to stop in the provinces to implement hospital protocols for the care of abortions in cases of rape. The main church unfolds in front of Tucumán, where the local archbishop, Monsignor Alfredo Zecca, try pushing the governor José Alperovich (FPV) to set the procedure to be followed by a decree or other regulation. But the strategy has another face, pointing parallel to enact laws that hinder the legal termination of pregnancy and to promote women to go ahead with the pregnancy forced through a rape-as mere incubators, and given up for adoption after the creature. In the House of Representatives and there were two projects in that sense, they were drawn to the Committee on Family, Women, Children and Adolescents, which is scheduled to begin debate, and which provide even give them an incentive to cash change to complete these pregnancies.

One proposal is a draft Law on Protection of Human Rights of Pregnant Women and Unborn Child. But under the umbrella of an initiative to protect women during the gestational period, it seeks to introduce clauses "antiabortion" to prevent the interruption of pregnancy even in the circumstances permitted by Article 86 of the Criminal Code.

In the first article, the initiative states that "the term 'unborn child' every human being from the moment of conception or fertilization of the egg to the birth of their cash." In the fourth article stipulates that "the unborn child is entitled to equal opportunities and be protected against any discrimination or selection because of their genetic, developmental stage, physical, biological or any other . Neither will it be because of the circumstances of their conception or the qualities or characteristics of their parents and family. " The law considered particularly offensive, harmful and discriminatory to rate unborn children as "unwanted" or "unwanted". And later in the same article states that "when the pregnancy came from a crime against sexual integrity, she will claim, from the moment of conception and throughout the gestational period, a special allowance equivalent to a salary of Grouping category E of National System of Public Employment (Sinep). If the woman decided to take the child's upbringing, the allocation will continue to pay until he turns 18 years old. If she decides not to take over the upbringing of the child after birth, immediately provide the necessary and urgent measures for their protection, favoring its adoption by a family or guardian, in which case the allocation will be perceived by the adoptive family or keeper from the time when it is done by the child until he reaches 18 years of age. " In the seventh article provides that "shall be considered as a paradigmatic case of violence against women with all outside interference, whether state or private, which is intended to induce or persuade a woman who takes a pregnancy, to interrupt the course of that pregnancy through the practice of abortion. "

The project was launched on March 23, ten days after the judgment of the Court on legal abortion, with 15 signatures, more conservative exponents of different blocks, as the deputies in July Ledesma (ex denarvaísta), Federal Power of Thought , the Salta macrista Alfredo Olmedo (the jacket of yellow, known for his homophobic expressions), Graciela Camano, the Federal Peronism, the Democratic Omar Mendoza de Marchi, the dissident Peronist San Luis Ivana Bianchi, the San Juan's Front for Victory Margarita Ferra of Bartol, among others. Subsequently, another 13 more deputies also signed. Originally, this proposal had entered in 2010 in the House of Representatives, but lost parliamentary status in December untreated. Actually, this is an initiative promoted by the Federal Family Network, an alliance "antiderechos" of Catholic and evangelical groups ", which repudiated the judgment of the Court in cases of legal abortion and that since the passage of equal marriage is gathering signatures to present a popular initiative in Congress to repeal it.

Members of the network last year lobbied Missions to the family of a 14 years old, who had become pregnant when a guy raped her, in retaliation for telling that he had abused his sister, 'to desist in their claim of the abortion that was entitled by law. "Do not kill the child, dénnoslo us," demanded the "antiderechos" in a statement at that time.

Another project in the Lower House, pointing in the same line. In April, Rep. San Luis Bianchi, also fervent opposition to equal marriage and the decriminalization of abortion, introduced a bill to promote the adoption of babies conceived in rape. It also blends into an initiative of "comprehensive care to pregnant women victims of crimes against sexual integrity". "In recent years, have initiated specific programs to assist victims of sex crimes in different cities, but none is part of a comprehensive plan, which envisages taking," says Bianchi on the basics. In the third article, the legislative proposal states that "should be streamlined registration adopters, whether women victimized by crimes against sexual integrity and will stay pregnant, decides to give her child up for adoption at birth, after a waiting period ".

The agenda for last Tuesday's meeting of the Committee on Family, Women, Children and Adolescents of the House was scheduled to begin discussing the two projects, but the call was finally suspended.

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